In this page, I am providing few useful links which are explained in detail about "WEB SERVICES".

Last updated on December 26, 2008

Web Services Tutorial
Learn how to create Web Services from an ASP.NET application. This tutorial converts an ASP.NET application to a Web Service.

Creating and Consuming .NET Web Services
Great .NET web services tutorial with samples in C# and VB.NET!

using Web Services with the .NET framework
Very comprehensive highly recommended tutorial. Topics include web services 101, WSDL, creating a web service, testing a web service, debugging, web references, and more.
ASP.NET Web Service
Tutorial on how to create, test, and use a web service written using C#. Downloadable tutorial and source included. 

Build Your First Web Service With Visual Studio .NET
Nice little single page tutorial on how to create a web service with Visual Studio .NET and VB.NET. 

Web Services Tutorial: Understanding XML and XML Schema
Two part tutorial covering the basics of web services, what makes a web service, and the XML standard forming the underlying layer in web services. 
The Java Web Services Tutorial
This tutorial is intended for programmers who are interested in developing and deploying Web services and Web applications on the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1.
SOA and Web Services

SOA and Web Services Tutorials in this site helps you learn more about service-oriented architecture (SOA) and web services. So, why wait learn SOA & Web Services now. 

Web Service Tutorial
This tutorial gets you started on Weblogic 8.1 Web Services. It presents number of small self explained samples and some documentation along with each sample. 
Web Services Tutorial
Web Services Tutorial for Students. 
ASP.NET Web Services QuickStart Tutorial

The ASP.NET Web Services QuickStart is a series of client and server samples along with supporting commentary designed to quickly acquaint developers with features in ASP.NET Web Services. The QuickStart samples are designed to be short, easy-to-understand illustrations of these features. By the time you finish reviewing these samples, you will be familiar with the major feature areas in ASP.NET Web Services.