Thank you for visiting The privacy of my visitors to is important to me.

At, I recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. Here is information on what types of personal information we receive and collect when you use to visit
By visiting, you are accepting this privacy policy and terms & conditions.

Acceptable User Policy

You may print and download portions of material/information from the different areas of this Site solely for your own non-commercial, personal & educationla use.
Visitor information

For statistical purposes, I may store general visitor information like IP Address, browser you used to visit my site, visting time, duration and which pages you visited throughout my site.


Cookies are small pieces of information stored in your computer. When you open, small cookies may store in your computer, to provide a better browsing experience for you. You can chose to disable or selectively turn off third-party cookies in your browser settings.


I put advertisements from third party companies. I try to avoid any kind of offensive and harmfull advertisements in my site, but in many cases I do not have complete control of which advertisements appear in my site, due to the fact that many advertisements are automatically served by third party advertisers. I will not be responsible for any harms caused by such third party advertisements served in our site. However, if such issues are pointed to my notice,I will make all attempts to stop publishing such advertisements in my site.

Links to other(Third-party) Sites

When you access an external web site through this web site note that it is independent from me. They may have their own privacy policies. has no control over the content on that web site and assumes no responsibility for any such sites and their content. In addition, a link to an external web site does not mean that endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, use, or products and services made available through such web site.

Contact Me

For any queries please contact me ->   here.