You can find the same article in my dotnetspider article
from the following link
Backup and Restore a MySQL Database in C#.NET
The code sample automates the process of backing up and restoring a MySQL database.
Create two batch files separately for backup(MySql_Backup.bat) and restore(MySql_Restore.bat).
@ECHO off
set DBchoice=%1%
set User=%2%
set Password=%3%
set pathchoice=%4%
@REM Remove double quotes from the path
@REM SET pathchoice=%pathchoice:"=%
@REM SET pathchoice=%pathchoice:"=%
mysqldump --add-drop-table -B %DBchoice% -u %User% --password=%Password% > %pathchoice%
@ECHO off
set User=%1%
set Password=%2%
set DBchoice=%3%
set pathchoice=%4%
set hostIP=%5%
set toolPath=%6%
@REM Remove double quotes from the path
@REM SET pathchoice=%pathchoice:"=%
@REM SET pathchoice=%pathchoice:"=%
%toolPath%\mysql -u %User% -h%hostIP% --password=%Password% %DBchoice% < %pathchoice%
Create the following method to execute the batch files with proper parameters
/// <summary
/// Author : Himasagar Kutikuppala
///A utility method that runs the batch file with supplied arguments.
/// </summary
/// <param name="batchFileName">Name of the batch file that should be run</param>;
/// <param name="argumentsToBatchFile">Arguments to the batch file</param>;
/// <returns>;Status of running the batch file</returns>;
protected bool ExecuteBatchFile(string batchFileName, string[] argumentsToBatchFile)
string argumentsString = string.Empty;
//Add up all arguments as string with space separator between the arguments
if (argumentsToBatchFile != null)
for (int count = 0; count < argumentsToBatchFile.Length; count++)
argumentsString += " ";
argumentsString += argumentsToBatchFile[count];
//argumentsString += "\"";
//Create process start information
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo DBProcessStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(batchFileName, argumentsString);
//Redirect the output to standard window
DBProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
//The output display window need not be falshed onto the front.
DBProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
DBProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
//Create the process and run it
System.Diagnostics.Process dbProcess;
dbProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(DBProcessStartInfo);
//Catch the output text from the console so that if error happens, the output text can be logged.
System.IO.StreamReader standardOutput = dbProcess.StandardOutput;
/* Wait as long as the DB Backup or Restore or Repair is going on.
Ping once in every 2 seconds to check whether process is completed. */
while (!dbProcess.HasExited)
if (dbProcess.HasExited)
string consoleOutputText = standardOutput.ReadToEnd();
//TODO - log consoleOutputText to the log file.
return true;
// Catch the SQL exception and throw the customized exception made out of that
catch (SqlException ex)
throw SQLExceptionClassHelper.GetCustomMsSqlException(ex.Number);
// Catch all general exceptions
catch (Exception ex)
throw new CustomizedException(ARCExceptionManager.ErrorCodeConstants.generalError, ex.Message);